TOGETHER IN MISSION 2024 - open for video links for this year's campaign

Together in Mission has provides substantial financial support to 62 parishes and 71 schools in our Archdiocese. 

Did you know? One in every 5 parishes needs financial assistance, and 1 in every 4 Catholic schools needs critical funds to keep their doors open. Our cumulative Together in Mission 2024 goal is $16.9M, representing the Annual Appeal throughout all five regions.

For those of you that have given to Together in Mission in the past, you will receive a letter inviting you to again participate in this year’s appeal. We prayerfully ask you to renew your generous support. You can complete your campaign envelope and return it as part of our regular Sunday Collection.

You can also make a pledge (payable over 2 to 10 months by credit card) or a one time gift online by following this link: Together in Mission Online Giving. Please be sure to include our parish - SS. Felicitas and Perpetua - in the "Please credit my parish" section so that you help us reach our parish goal.
May God bless you for your generosity!
Fr. John